Construction and Operation
Throughout construction and operation of the proposed solar development on Land at Bakers Road, Belchamp St Paul, BSR Energy is committed to ensuring that the impact to the local road network, and the local community is kept to a minimum.
Construction is expected to take approximately six months, within this time the peak traffic movements in and around the site would be during months one to four. During the peak of the construction period, there are expected to be approximately 15 two-way HGV movements a day during month three as a worst-case scenario.
Access to the site is proposed to be from Bakers Road, located to the south of the main site. The A131, which is located 8.5km east and 15km south of the site, would be the primary route for construction traffic accessing the development. Construction traffic is expected to leave the A131 at High Garrett and turn onto the A1017 and follow this for 12km before turning right onto Bridge Street. Traffic would then follow the road round onto Tillbury Road before turning left onto Clare Road, and continuing for approximately 4km before reaching Bakers Road, where the site access would be located. The route is outlined on the Traffic Route Map below.
Due to the rural location of the site, it is expected that there will be minimal noise disruption to the wider area surrounding the site throughout construction, although we appreciate some of our closest neighbours are likely to have specific concerns relating to the construction noise and impact. We would encourage these neighbours to get in touch with the project team with regard to these specific concerns. Details on how to get in touch can be found here.
Existing Public Rights of Ways (PRoW) will be maintained to ensure that as far as possible throughout construction, there is safe passage for those accessing these. We will be implementing screening mitigations where required along PRoWs to ensure the proposed solar development would not have a negative impact on these.
Once the site is operational, it is anticipated that there will only be low levels of traffic accessing the site for maintenance purposes. It is therefore expected that the largest volume of traffic will be associated with the construction phase of the project.